CA Supply Chains Act

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Disclosure

Verification: JS Products evaluates the risk of human trafficking and slavery related to current and prospective supplier partners. Risk evaluations are performed by either us or through a third party. All suppliers are required to comply with country and local labor laws as well as JS Products' Code of Conduct.

Audits: JS Products regularly conducts audits of our supplier partners. Audits are sometimes conducted by us while most audits are performed by third party auditors on behalf of our customer partners. Most audits are unannounced.

Certifications: JS Products' supplier partners certify materials used for our publicly traded customer partner’s products comply with country and local laws, including laws regarding human trafficking, forced and child labor.

Accountability: JS Products maintains and enforces a Code of Conduct Policy that details the accountability standards and procedures for employees, contractors, and suppliers in regards to slavery and human trafficking. The policy outlines noncompliance procedures, which may include termination of the supplier or subcontractor if issues are not timely resolved.

Training: JS Products conducts internal and external training on our Code of Conduct Policy and Sourcing Policy to necessary team members in supply chain management to ensure they are knowledgeable on our supply chain policies including slavery, child labor, and human trafficking.